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2020-10-26 16:05:58
A simple but useful co-operative multitasking for AVR microcontrollers.
2015-04-02 02:14:08
An ESP8266 WIFI module interfaced to a relay allows for a 1000W/240v swimming-pool filter pump to be remote controlled. It turns on and off automatically depending on how much energy is available from the solar system. Software includes NodeMCU general-purpose telnet server, and Perl client utility.
2015-03-19 06:54:19
A quick tutoral guide to setting up a Linux development environment for the ESP8266 WIFI enabled microcontroller. Intended for someone who might have just taken delivery of their first module and is wonder where to start. Covers hardware, firmware, C SDK, and NodeMCU Lua.
2015-01-31 03:00:26
Suitable for morse code beacons, repeater idents and the like, this library is implemented as a state machine and hence allowing for other processing to be done whilst the morse is being set.
2014-11-18 04:34:12
A command line utilty that allows a Raspberry Pi to control a HD44780 based LCD via i2c.
2014-10-03 08:34:10
A utility to monitor a Sunny Boy 4000tl solar inverter via its Bluetooth interface. Uses a cheap tl-wr702n wireless router, but should work with any Linux system and with other Sunny Boy inverters.
2014-09-16 05:10:19
A quick-start guide to getting a cross compilation environment up and running on Ubuntu Linux.
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